18 February 2021

Why Work at Gardium?

Unlike other sectors, employment opportunities in the security industry have seen remarkable growth during the COVID-19 crisis. There are a number of players in Quebec, so why should a candidate choose to work at Gardium instead of one of the others?

The Big Gardium Family

Over nearly 20 years, Gardium has gone from 3 to more than 2,400 employees. In spite of this impressive growth of our staff, closeness to people remains the watchword.

Founder Jean Marc-Aurèle says it well: “If you don’t like people, you can’t succeed.” It’s with this philosophy that Gardium’s history began. The human touch is at the heart of our success, and without the contribution of our employees, the company would not be where it is today.

“The human aspect is one of the points that most distinguishes us from our competitors,” explains Guillaume Lapointe, Director of Human Resources. “Our employees are not numbers. This might seem like a detail, but we never address our agents by their matriculation number. We call them by their name, and that matters to us!”

An Accessible, Available Leadership Team Who Listens

As a family business, Gardium’s approach is based on listening. The management team is therefore easy to get in touch with.

“If our employees need to talk to us, they know where to find us,” says Guillaume Lapointe. “We are not in some big foreign office. We are right here, at Saint-Eustache, ready to welcome them in person, or else one phone call away.”

Work-Family Balance

Unlike most companies in the industry, Gardium is not only looking for candidates available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

“We understand very well that our agents have a life outside of work,” continues Guillaume Lapointe. “When we are able to, we are thrilled to offer our employees the flexibility to maintain their work-family balance.”

Essential Workers

Lately, the contribution security agents make to our society has been in the spotlight. That is to say, the COVID-19 crisis has only made what we already knew as plain as day. Often working in the shadows, employees of the security business have an essential role.

“We are extremely grateful for the tremendous job our employees do every day,” says Dany Laflamme, President and CEO of Gardium Security. “They act with integrity, judgment and loyalty, respecting our core values to ensure peace of mind.” 

A Quebec-Wide Presence

Proud to be a Quebec-based company, Gardium maintains a presence all throughout the province and relies on long-term agreements with its clients. Why? To develop good partner relationships, but above all to offer its employees a measure of stability.

“Often, agents choose their security company based on the contract attached,” explains Guillaume Lapointe. “We have noticed that many choose Gardium before the contract. When a contract is up or changes companies, many prefer to continue their adventure with us rather than staying in the post they were in.” 

Gardium’s presence in the four corners of Quebec also allows employees to continue their career with us even if they move to another city or region.

Never the Same Mission Twice

The workplaces in which we operate are quite diverse: businesses, hospitals, construction sites, hotels, private companies, etc. The assignments we receive are equally varied.

“For an employee, it’s exciting to know that you have the option of changing your work environment if you want to,” explains Guillaume Lapointe. “This switches up the routine, and it can be much more motivating.”

Career Possibilities

Employees also have many opportunities for advancement within the company.

“We have several departments and divisions, which allows us to offer new challenges to our employees who want to explore the security business,” says Guillaume Lapointe. “The fields of loss prevention, undercover operations and labor disputes are very good examples. It can also mean management positions for our senior agents.”

Internal promotions are also quite valued, thanks to the company knowledge already acquired.

Jérôme Veilleux is a good example. Hired as an agent in 2014, he then took on the role of officer.

“I chose to join Gardium because of its reputation,” said Jérôme Veilleux. “I quickly discovered that the company walks the talk when it comes to their values. You can see and feel the close relationships with customers and employees. Just knowing that the president’s telephone number is on the website, that says a lot!”

In the spring of 2020, an account manager position opened and Marie-Pier Lalonde, Director of Major Accounts, quickly thought of him. The screening process unfolded quickly and he took up the position in September.

“What I like about this new job is the versatility,” explains the new Account Manager, who oversees mainly the North Shore area of Montreal. “We work as much in operations as we do the business side, we interact with clients and teams on site.”

Gardium is always growing and recruiting. Don’t hesitate to send us your CV if you’re interested in joining our big family, or learn more on our Careers page.