22 July 2020

What Should You Ask Yourself before Choosing a Pre-Employment Platform?

5 Questions to Ask When Choosing Your Platform for Background Checks.

The recruiter also has the role of hiring quality candidates who meet the requirements of the position in question. Certain positions require a clean criminal record, or a certain number of years of confirmed experience in a field. These hiring criteria are often crucial for determining the outcome for a potential candidate.

Currently, thousands of people across Canada have lost their jobs and are very actively seeing employment. Unfortunately, among these job seekers it isn’t uncommon to “disguise the truth” or outright lie about their criminal records, their degrees or even their past work experience. So how can you be sure that a candidate’s CV is reliable?

Contacting a private firm specializing in background checks is the most reliable solution for getting the information you need to make a quality hire and avoid losing time and money. The National Business Research Institute stresses that a bad hire can cost a business up to five times the candidate’s salary, in large part due to a lack of verification of the candidate’s references or experience.

Numerous private companies across Canada offer this service, but how can you choose the best platform? Here are the questions to ask yourself for a quick comparison:

1. Can I Easily Make Background Check Requests Online?

Do you need to make criminal background checks? Verify a candidate’s credit profile? Or

validate a diploma? There is nothing better than finding all the information in one place with just a few clicks. Using an intuitive application that is both modern, innovative and scalable is the simplest way to guarantee reliable results.

2. Can I Get My Search Results Quickly?

No recruiter should lose a candidate because their pre-employment process was too long. Today’s candidates expect an efficient recruitment process. As a result, you need a rapid response time. The platform you use therefore has to be high-performance, and ideally the turnaround times should be short (no more than 24 hours).

3. Is There a History of Background Check Requests Made in a Single Company Account?

Everyone is looking for optimal work management. As such, the platform you choose should let you see all of your previous activities, and those of your colleagues, in the same place. In order to promote communication and organization, choose a platform that offers a history of all requests made. This ensures better tracking of candidate files, so as to avoid duplicating actions and losing track. Moreover, the durability and security of your data is guaranteed with a platform where 100% of actions are taken online. In a best-case scenario, you can also obtain your candidate’s consent form through the platform.

4. Is the Platform’s Price Adapted to My Needs?

Do you only make a few occasional searches? Or are you planning on a large volume of hires soon, with numerous background checks to run? The pre-employment platform should be able to adapt to your situation, and its price should reflect this with different types of fees: single requests, monthly or yearly subscriptions, etc.

5. Is It Necessary to Choose a Private Firm Accredited by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)?

This is an added value which you should not neglect when choosing your platform! Especially when you work in a field with potentially vulnerable clients, you want an impeccable level of security. Only firms accredited by the RCMP can transmit digital fingerprints in order to carry out certain criminal background checks.

This strengthens the reliability of the company that you choose to carry out your requests. Before accrediting a private company, the RCMP carries out security investigations on all its employees and inspects its facilities with the objective of protecting data.

Ready to choose your platform? It will certainly take some time to compare the different platforms available, but this is necessary if you want to strengthen your company’s credibility. In the meantime, discover the new Gardium Pre-Employment platform for background checks!